He looked so happy... He had no idea of the carnage to come. |
Saturday, Noah and I performed our first hive removal. While this could prove to be a good little side business, we didn't charge. One reason that we didn't charge, was because we had no idea what we were doing. The other reason was because I could really use the bees.
Intake and outgoing hose holes |
I got up early Saturday morning and, with the help of YouTube, I built a bee vacuum out of a five gallon bucket. It was very simple and only cost about $25 total including the shop vac.
Step one: Get a five gallon bucket, an easy to remove lid, and a cheap shop vac.
Step two: Cut three holes in the lid; one for the intake hose, one for the outgoing hose, and a large one for a vent (to control the amount of suction).
Inside view of of intake and outgoing |
Step three: Place #8 hardware cloth over the outgoing nozzle so the bees stop in the bucket and over the vent hole.
Step four: Secure all hoses and hardware cloth with zip-ties.
It's just that easy.
I also placed a loop of foam so that the incoming bees would have a soft landing as they came into the bucket.
#8 Hardware cloth over outgoing hose end |
We suited up completely, since we had no idea how aggressive the bees would be. This turned out to be unnecessary as this was the gentlest hive I've ever seen. Absolutely nothing we did upset these bees. We tore down the outer wall and the bees didn't care. We cut out the comb and the bees didn't care. We vacuumed them up and the bees didn't care. It was amazing.
The hive seemed big at first but, after cutting it out, it only filled one and a half deep supers. However, we suctioned three gallons of bees!
I was so excited. The removal was text book and we now had a hive of Super Gentle Bees.
However the removal was exhausting. It took about four hours and even though it wasn't very hot, it was very humid. Since we took our time vacuuming the bees, I stayed in a squatted position for a large part of the time. Did I mention I'm fat and out of shape.
The last thing we did was to swing by Dr. D's and picked up a frame of eggs, just in case we had accidentally killed the queen. Then Noah headed home and I took the hive to my house.
I was tired and it was beginning to rain slightly, so I covered the vent hole in the bucket with a bandanna, and went in the house for a break. An hour later, I placed the hive on its new stand, and dumped the bucket of bees into it.
Dead. They were all dead.
I was so tired (and defeated) that I just closed the lid and went inside for the night.
The next morning I got up, and retrieved the honey - no point in losing everything... or so I thought. It seems that leaving three gallons of dead bees on the honey overnight somehow tainted the honey and as I was extracting it, I began smelling a foul sour smell. The 2-3 gallons of honey was ruined.
In the end, all I got for of my trouble was a couple of pounds of wax and some much needed experience.
Lessons learned:
For the most part, the removal had gone very well. The biggest surprise was how long it took. Some beekeepers charge as much as $300... I now see why.
Lastly, and I keep learning this one the hard way, being tired (or defeated) doesn't mean you are done working. Had I immediately cleared the dead bees from the honey and took it inside for extraction, I would have had at least $200 worth of honey. It would have only taken another hour but I gave up.
From now on I will end my workday by asking myself, "Are you quitting because you are finished or is your business finished because you quit?"
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